Looking Back Last Night

We look like we just went into a field trip! LOL.

Went out with my former officemates last night to watch Miss You Like Crazy. Miss Cherry, Sahlee, Fernan, Jen, Violy and I met at Megamall last night to its first screening day. And somehow, I got a funny inkling at the scenario.

See, now that I'm at RSB, I'm kind of wondering how it is if I'm still working at Fortune CARE. I mean, I always get lucky there and my life was very much different than now. I was thinking if my life would still be the same, stuck in CCD office, be in the same relationship and be with the same people. But clearly, everything changed. Sahlee now has two kids, Miss Che got slimmer compared to before. Well I, you know how much changed. Some have been drastic, while some are for the best.

But no matter what happened the past year, I'm glad I stayed in touch with almost all of my former colleagues and friends. Their former EVP-GM, now President, even wishes me the best everytime I see her when I visit their office. And that, I think is enough for me to know that I'm dependable enough. Little things like these make me know my worth. :)

During these times, friends are all I have and need. Love waits patiently if its really for you. Guys may come and go, but these people are FAR more important.

Here's to more movie nights and coffee fixes with friends! :D

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