Weekend Sickness

Ive been in bed the whole day. Been experiencing cramps all over my body, like Ive been possessed or something. Apparently, this came from the Influenza Vaccine that the Company provided yesterday. And the worst part was, we were supposed to see each other today. So I just drown my sorrows to my Grey's Anatomy Series, and I'm proud to say that I finally completed watching them. Yay!


The New Year's Toast happened successfully yesterday. Maam DJS thanked everyone for a job well done for 2007 and she hopes for a better 2008. I actually believe that this coming year might even be luckier. And for myself actually. LOL. Well at least I hoped so. It has always been a series to me. Like Ive been lucky last 2006, and not so lucky this 2007. So a pattern would have to be a lucky lucky 2008 :D

Afterwards, went to Shang last night for dinner. Had a feast at House of Minis where they have like the biggest steaks. Yum. It definitely is the favorite foodstop from now on. LOL.


Anyhow, I have to go rest if I want to be not lucid tomorrow. My head still pounds. huhuhuhu.

Muah! Check me out at new year! :D

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