Maya reaffirms its commitment to financial health, welcomes UNSGSA Queen Máxima

In the photo: Participants of the Focus Group Discussion on women’s financial health facilitated by Innovations for Poverty Action, with UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands (center), Maya Founder and CEO & Maya Bank Co-Founder Orlando B. Vea (sitting, left), Maya Group President & Maya Bank Co-Founder Shailesh Baidwan (sitting, right), and Maya Bank President & DiBA PH President Angelo Madrid (leftmost).

As part of the Digital Bank Association of the Philippines (DiBA PH), Maya reaffirms its commitment to delivering more innovative banking services to help Filipinos enhance their financial health. 

Leading the dialogue with the BSP was H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA), who participated in a roundtable with digital banks and a focus group discussion on women's financial health hosted at Maya's offices. 

Welcoming Queen Máxima were Maya CEO and Founder and Maya Bank Co-Founder Orlando B. Vea, Maya President and Maya Bank Co-Founder Shailesh Baidwan, and Maya Bank President Angelo Madrid. 

According to the UNSGSA Financial Health Working Group, financial health refers to the extent to which a person or family can smoothly manage their current financial obligations, has the capacity to absorb financial shocks, is on track to reach future goals, and has confidence in their financial future.

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